Expert and investment supervision of construction

The supervisory engineer is one of the most important participants in building construction. The construction quality and subsequent unhindered use of the building depend on the supervisory engineer’s professionalism, due diligence and accountability.

We provide complete expert supervision of the quality of the execution of works which concern civil engineering, construction and finishing, electrical fittings and machinery as well as landscaping and equipment of buildings during their construction or reconstruction in compliance with the construction permit, contractual terms and conditions, technical regulations and special construction usances – with active participation of supervisory engineers on the construction site, including the following: .


The implementation of larger projects, which involves a greater number of participants (contractors, designers, expert supervisors etc.) includes monitoring of works conducted by all participants in the construction project, control of their costs, compliance between contractual obligations and the schedule and costs of works. Therefore, we serve as the ultimate line of defence for the client prior to the payment of monthly invoices, interim invoices, final accounts and other financial documents submitted by the participants engaged on project implementation.